Child Passenger Safety Week And National Seat Check Saturday

For parents, there is no single piece of baby equipment that will offer your child protection more than a car seat. Beginning on September 15th to September 19th, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is asking you to help generate awareness in your community about the benefit of properly installed car seats with Child Passenger Safety Week and National Seat Check Saturday.

Because car crashes are the leading cause of death for young children between the ages of 1 to 13, a safely secured car seat, booster seat, and seat belt can mean the difference between life and death for a young child. From 2007 to 2011 alone, 3,661 children were killed in car crashes and approximately 634,000 were injured. In 2011 alone, over 1/3 of those children killed in car crashes were not in car seats or properly restrained with a safety belt.

Data from the NHTSA clearly shows that almost 10,000 children aged 4 and younger have been saved over the past two decades by child safety restraints, and car seats were a factor in saving over 8,600 of those children. This Child Passenger Safety Week and on National Seat Check Saturday, be sure to spread the word and take advantage of Child Passenger Safety Technicians in your area who can inspect and install car seats and provide you with car seat educational materials.


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