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Save on your interlock program now! Schedule online and save $25.
What is an ignition interlock device?
An ignition interlock device (IID), also known as a car breathalyzer, is an in-car alcohol monitoring system that measures the user’s BAC level. Speak to an ignition interlock expert now to get answers to any questions you have or schedule online in 5 minutes or less.
Verify Interlock Eligibility

What is an interlock program?
Interlock programs vary by state but in general, they all require some combination of the following: obtain a special license, install the device, test-taking, device calibration, results reported to monitoring agencies, compliance, and removal upon completion.
What does an interlock do?
An ignition interlock tests for the presence of alcohol in your breath. If it detects alcohol, it prevents your car from starting. While you will be required to take periodic tests during your drive, a breathalyzer in car (IID or BAIID) will never stop your car while you are driving.
Where do I get an interlock?
Local auto service shops have received extensive training from our dedicated operations team. They install and service your leased LifeSafer interlock with professionalism and accuracy every time. Our local expert technicians can answer all your questions.
What is an ignition interlock device (IID)?
An ignition interlock device (IID), also known as a blow and go, is a small handheld device that connects to a vehicle’s ignition system and measures the amount of alcohol in the user’s breath. Installing one is a common requirement following a drunk driving offense (DUI, DWI, DUI, OWI, or OVI).
In simplest terms, an interlock device, or car breathalyzer, is an in-car monitor that prevents a user from starting a vehicle until a breath alcohol test is taken. An ignition interlock device is a proper term for devices sometimes referred to as a “car interlock” or “blow and go”. LifeSafer is the premier provider of all these systems at low cost in almost 2,000 convenient locations, one that is likely near you. Ready to install?

How do you install and interlock device?
Interlocks can vary in a few ways and the ignition interlock device you receive depends on the legal requirements set by the state you live in and the specifics of your DWI/DUI/OWI. Your interlock may come equipped with or without a camera, as well as real-time reporting or other additional features. LifeSafer is approved to provide car ignition interlock systems in 45 states.
Have questions about your state’s requirements?

How does an ignition interlock work?
If the IID registers the breath test results (BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration) over the pre-set limit, the vehicle will not start. If the driver’s breath test is below the pre-set limit, the vehicle will start. The interlock device needs to be serviced and calibrated at an authorized service center regularly. The length between these appointments is determined by state law but typically occurs every 30, 60, or 90 days. The LifeSafer device is the smallest and easiest to use on the market. Save on your device today!
- Blow into the ignition interlock device.
- If the result says PASS, your vehicle will start.
- If the result says FAIL, your vehicle will not start and you may need to retest.

Choose Wisely
3 important things to consider when
choosing an interlock provider:
Easy to use
Test-taking requires a specific blow pattern. With our interlock device, it’s as easy as it gets. Blow into the device to register an effective test. No tricky inhale-exhale blow patterns to deal with.
For thousands of drivers and millions of miles, LifeSafer has taken ownership of the total customer experience. We provide accurate, timely, and reliable services to help you successfully complete your interlock program.
Discreet size
You will want an interlock that is small and discreet, and our interlock device is the smallest on the market.

Get back on the road today.
Schedule your installation appointment now!