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Ignition Interlock Special Offers
Discounts and More
Unlock state-by-state ignition interlock discounts with LifeSafer. Claim your exclusive savings now!
Get Special Offers In Your State

State Requirements
Find out more about laws, IID requirements, and resources in your state.
Convenient Locations
With 1,500+ locations nationwide, it’s easy to find a convenient location near you.
Ignition Interlock Cost
LifeSafer offers the most affordable pricing for your ignition interlock device.
Ignition Interlock Deals Near You
LifeSafer Ignition Interlock can help you fulfill your interlock requirements easily and safely with competitive pricing and exceptional customer support. We offer price matching, flexible payment options, and worry-free installs, so you can get back on the road. Our IID experts can help you find the lowest cost device and special pricing offers in your state. Call our Customer Support Team today at 800-634-3077 to get started.
Do You Know Your State’s Requirements?
Each state has set requirements that you need to meet during your interlock program. Find out more now!
Claim Your Offer
Call now to claim your state specific special offers and discounts. Our state experts are ready to talk to you!

Save on your ignition interlock.
Call a LifeSafer state expert to learn more about discounts in your state.