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Colorado IID Driving with a Restricted License
Special Offers
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences. To combat this problem, most states have implemented interlock ignition device rules as part of their DUI laws, including the state of Colorado. An IID is an in car breathalyzer that disables your car if you have a higher BAC than .025%. Learn more about Colorado ignition interlock laws.
How to Get a Restricted License In Colorado with an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)
If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you may be wondering if an IID is necessary to get a restricted license. The answer is yes, and here’s what you need to know about getting back on the road with an IID.
What is a Restricted License with an IID?
A restricted license with an IID is a type of license that allows you to drive with certain restrictions, such as only driving to and from work or school, while you serve out your license suspension period. The IID is a device that is installed in your vehicle and requires you to pass a breathalyzer test before the engine can start.
Am I Eligible for a Restricted License with an IID?
If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, you are usually eligible for a restricted license immediately. However, if you refused a chemical test or your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was above a certain limit, you may have to wait a certain period of time before you can apply for a restricted license.
It’s important to note that you can be required to get a restricted license even if you avoid a DUI conviction. The DMV case is separate from the criminal case, and you can win the criminal case and still lose the DMV hearing. These rules vary by state, so be sure you are checking your IID state laws.
How Do I Get an IID?
State DUI law requires that an approved Colorado ignition interlock device provider such as LifeSafer, install the IID. You may not buy one online and install it yourself.
Once the IID is installed, you will have to take regular breathalyzer tests while driving. If you fail a test, the IID will prevent the engine from starting, and you may be subject to additional penalties.
Can I Remove the IID?
Only an approved provider such as LifeSafer can remove the IID. You will have to pay for the removal of the device, and you may also have to complete a certain period of time without any violations before you can have the IID removed. Failure to comply with interlock rules can result in further legal consequences, such as fines or even imprisonment.
Cost of an IID
LifeSafer has some of the most affordable ignition interlock services in Colorado. Learn more about the cost of ignition interlocks in Colorado here.
The Benefits of Ignition Interlocks
Although interlock ignition devices can be inconvenient and expensive, they have been shown to be effective in reducing DUI incidents. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, interlocks can reduce repeat offenses by up to 70%.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving accounted for 28% of all traffic fatalities in 2019. That’s equivalent to one person every 52 minutes losing their life due to someone else’s decision to drink and drive. In the face of such a grim reality, in car breathalyzers are an important tool for reducing the incidence of drunk driving and saving lives.
The benefits of ignition interlocks are clear. They are an effective way to prevent drunk driving and reduce the number of alcohol-related fatalities on Colorado roads. In addition to saving lives, ignition interlocks can also reduce the number of repeat DUI offenses. According to the CDC, drivers who have had an ignition interlock installed are 70% less likely to reoffend than those who did not have an ignition interlock.
At LifeSafer, we understand that time is precious. That’s why we offer Guaranteed Same Day Installation, Online Scheduling with No-Call Install™, and the Smallest and Easiest to use device, so you can get back on the road with confidence, fast. Our commitment to exceptional customer service means that you can trust us to provide the reliable support you need, when you need it.
We’re here to help! Contact us now to chat with one of our knowledgeable experts who can provide you with the personalized support you need.