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The Most Effective Alcohol Testing Technology-part 3
Last year the Justice Speakers Institute published a study declaring:
“The LifeSafer Portable Monitoring Device should be considered the most effective alcohol testing technology for courts supervising probationers with conditions that forbid the use of alcohol.” — Justice Speakers Institute*
Let’s take a look at what makes the LifeSafer Portable Alcohol Monitoring (PAM) device superior to other technologies. This is the third part of our series on how the PAM device leads the pack in satisfying the courts’ best practices.
In this comparison, we’ll be looking at the LifeSafer PAM device and Preliminary Breath Tests (PBTs).
Frequent Testing
The most effective way to discourage alcohol use is when frequent testing occurs multiple times a day. This is difficult with PBTs because of transportation issues, staffing costs/requirements, and time commitments. Also, COVID safety must be considered.
The LifeSafer PAM device can be easily programmed for up to 24 tests per day. It’s truly portable so the participant does not need to interact with anyone when taking a test.
“When administered by court officials, law enforcement agencies or private drug testing companies, PBTs are limited as to the number of times that an individual can be tested during the day and it limits night and weekend testing.” – Justice Speakers Institute
Random Testing
As the number of daily tests declines, courts prefer technology that can test with the shortest possible time between notifying the participant and the actual test. The LifeSafer PAM can be customized for up to 24 test times throughout the day. PBTs must be scheduled and time allotted to travel to the site so the random factor and the ability to do multiple tests per day is impossible. And once again, there are COVID issues to consider with PBTs.
Speed of Results
Studies show test results are 73% more effective against crime and produce better outcomes when a court receives results within 48 hours after a test. LifeSafer PAM results are transmitted in real-time so fast, accurate data is received after each test. With PBTs, the speed of results depends on the technology the testing agency uses. This could be difficult to achieve within the 48-hour window.

This side-by-side comparison with PBTs certainly shows that the LifeSafer PAM device is the Most Effective Alcohol Testing Technology.
Ready to get started? The LifeSafer PAM Team can answer all your questions. Give us a call at 844-598-5554 or email us at portablealcoholmonitoring@lifesafer.com.